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Rejoignez notre famille


Pour vous inscrire, veuillez remplir les informations ci-dessous. Les champs marqués d'un * sont obligatoires, mais pensez à partager les informations facultatives afin que nous puissions en savoir plus sur notre communauté FOXP1. Nous ne partagerons ni ne vendrons vos coordonnées à aucune autre partie.

Registration Fee


  • Registration will close April 10th 2025

  • The registration fee will be refunded up to 60 days before the event

  • The registration fee includes the conference, Thursday Meet and Greet and dinner, Friday lunch and dinner and childcare + activities including siblings


We would love all our FOXP1 families to join us at this gathering. If you are not able to join we will be making videos and the presentations will be live streamed.

Pay now button


Does anyone in your group have food allergies?

Photo or Video Release Form

I /we grant permission to the International FOXP1 Foundation to use and/or publish the photographs and/or videos taken at the FOXP1 Conference 2025, of all children and/or adults listed on this registration form.  This includes but not limited to: publicity, copyright purposes, illustration, advertising, and content, including on the International FOXP1 Foundation website:, or any social media applications, or newsletters managed by the foundation.

Furthermore, I understand that no royalty, fee or other compensation shall become payable to me by reason of such use.

Photo or Video Release Form

If you would like to make changes after submitting your information,  please send changes to to   or

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