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Rejoignez notre famille


Pour vous inscrire, veuillez remplir les informations ci-dessous. Les champs marqués d'un * sont obligatoires, mais pensez à partager les informations facultatives afin que nous puissions en savoir plus sur notre communauté FOXP1. Nous ne partagerons ni ne vendrons vos coordonnées à aucune autre partie.

Registration Fee

Registration will close 22 April 2025 
The registration fee will be refunded until 1 June 2025
The registration fee includes the conference, all meals from dinner Thursday 19 June till breakfast Saturday 21 June.  Child care/day program for all FOXP1 individuals and their siblings. on Friday 20 June 9:00 - 1600 hrs.

We would love all of our FOXP1 families to join us at this conference.
If you require financial assistance to make this trip a reality, please complete the grant application found here.   Requests will be considered in the order of receipt.


Does anyone in your group have food allergies?
Which break-out sessions are of interest to you? Please check your top 3 choices. There will be a special break out group just for siblings, please indicate if your child's sibling(s) will attend.

If you would like to make changes after submitting your information,  please send changes to 

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