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Walk in the Wild


  • FOXP1 Virtual Race For Awareness - Register Your Team On-Line!
    FOXP1 Virtual Race For Awareness - Register Your Team On-Line!
    vie, 09 ago
    Virtual Race For Awareness
    09 ago 2024, 7:00 – 11 ago 2024, 23:59
    Virtual Race For Awareness
    1. Register 2. Create a team or join an existing team. Add a personal story about why you're running. 3. After registering, you will receive several emails, including one with the subject line "New Team Fundraiser for FOXP1 Syndrome Race for Awareness". Share the first link with your friends.
  • August FOXP1 Zoom Chat
    August FOXP1 Zoom Chat
    sáb, 17 ago
    FOXP1 Zoom Chat
    17 ago 2024, 16:00 GMT-4
    FOXP1 Zoom Chat
    Join your host, Kate Lester Mowery to share concerns, ideas, questions, therapies, and laughter with parents of FOXP1 children.


Nota: Si es un investigador que busca la participación de FOXP1 en su estudio, envíe el "Formulario de solicitud de participación" que se encuentraaquí.

¡Gracias por contactarnos! ¡Estaremos en contacto contigo pronto!

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Mendenhall, PA 19357  USA

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© 2021 Fundación Internacional FOXP1

Apartado de correos 846
Mendenhall, PA 19357

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